This post has a child post. (post #837449)

arknights bikini magallan_(arknights) sigma99 swimsuits

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Why sigm@? Based on URL artist and pixiv/twitter name it's sigma99.
Don't know where sigm@ come from.
Seems like there's now also sigma_(artist)...
The artist's pixiv, etc. still have sigma99, so why the change - vandalism?
vendiu said:
Seems like there's now also sigma_(artist)...
The artist's pixiv, etc. still have sigma99, so why the change - vandalism?
It's different artist.
Arsy said:
It's different artist.
That should likely be shiguma, though.
Guys, pick one. Either Sigm@, sigma99, or sigma_(artist)
Correction, post #306489 is shiguma's, and post #125439 is sigama's work - at least, if danbooru is to be believed.
Mr_GT said:
Guys, pick one. Either Sigm@, sigma99, or sigma_(artist)
I'd go with "sigma99", as that's what the artist uses.
I've fix, there 3 artist with similar name.
sigm@ > sigma99
post #125439 - sigama
post #306489 - shiguma