
animal_ears ass dongho_kang feet nekomimi shirt_lift tail

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I predict the next one of these meme poses is going to be people having their heads up their own asses - oh wait, many have already mastered that.
vendiu said:
I predict the next one of these meme poses is going to be people having their heads up their own asses - oh wait, many have already mastered that.
So just after you posted this comment, I noticed many such (art?)works started popping up on boorus.
As if cancerTube™ ai suggested them. And I would shit on them just for being no background works.
post #839217 was a mistake...
This one is apparently called the "Jack-o Pose" after the eponymous character jack-o.
vendiu said:
This one is apparently called the "Jack-o Pose" after the eponymous character jack-o.
No ideas why this gets so popular all of a sudden (as if no one has ever done this pose previously)... But I guess all memes started like that.
"Draw something like this" is a challenge and a chance for artists to try something out of their comfort zone. No one assigns it, it becomes a temptation at some point.
moonian said:
No ideas why this gets so popular all of a sudden (as if no one has ever done this pose previously)... But I guess all memes started like that.
meanwhile, at twatter.
p1 > oh nooo, this is soo offencive
p2 > oooh no, shooow meee
p1 > mmmh yes, here it is
p2 > ooh myy, soo ooofennncive
p1 > oh yees, mush show eeevryone
p2 > mmmh yes, i aaam.
chosurs in background > ooh myy, soo ooofennncive
twatter never sleeps.
gonna post #401681 stitched from original scans soon, lmao.