This post has a child post. (post #13372)

cleavage dress garter_belt hayate_no_gotoku katsura_hinagiku million_bank open_shirt senomoto_hisashi stockings thighhighs

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What a weird design for a dress. First I thought she was tucked in some blanket or something. I've only worn 1 piece dresses but this is something entirely different.
Feito said:
What a weird design for a dress. First I thought she was tucked in some blanket or something. I've only worn 1 piece dresses but this is something entirely different.
Well...something new always pops in.

The colors, red on top and pink for bottom, do remind me of Aeris (Aerith) from Final Fantasy VII (7).
Hisashi's stuff are expensive >.<
Good thing we got Radioactive here <3
Oh my Lord, I got the other pic sometime ago and I always wondered: "Aw I hope someday someone fix this! Crap... Maybe someday?" And yes. Someday. Today.
The pink bottom seems to be loosen. >_>"