
pantyhose seifuku sweater takeshima_(nia) umbrella

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I think the yuri tag was overuse here. Even though they're lovers, there's no romantic interaction between them like holding their hands together like a couple. Unless they share an umbrella in the rain while walking count as yuri .
Innominate said:
I think the yuri tag was overuse here. Even though they're lovers, there's no romantic interaction between them like holding their hands together like a couple. Unless they share an umbrella in the rain while walking count as yuri .
You’re right. Tag removed for now (but you could remove it yourself, BTW).
maybe change the tag rules so its only applied similarly to the loli tag. specifically, not used on sfw images.
Abraxas said:
maybe change the tag rules so its only applied similarly to the loli tag. specifically, not used on sfw images.
Nah, the current status is fine - even Danbooru (which deeply diversifies tags) doesn't separate them and redirects sfw girl's love related tags to "yuri":
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lesbian, girl_love, girls_love, girl's_love, and shoujo-ai