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dress horiguchi_yukiko k-on! nakano_azusa summer_dress

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I really like this, but I wish I could see her panties too. (*∩ω∩)
Manabi said:
I really like this, but I wish I could see her panties too. (*∩ω∩)
Call this a "tease".
Manabi said:
I really like this, but I wish I could see her panties too. (*∩ω∩)
... Azusa will be extra careful 'round you
Azusa looks so cute in that dress *blushes* What? She does...
Salgada said:
... Azusa will be extra careful 'round you
Maybe, maybe not, none of the girls seem to have noticed that Mugi-chan's a yuri fanatic, so I still have a chance of slipping under the radar. ( ̄∇ ̄)
Manabi said:
Maybe, maybe not, none of the girls seem to have noticed that Mugi-chan's a yuri fanatic, so I still have a chance of slipping under the radar. ( ̄∇ ̄)
I'm sorry, I have read this statement at least fifty times over and I CANNOT stop laughing from it. Or, at least, giggling, I have never laughed as far as I can remember.
Salgada said:
I'm sorry, I have read this statement at least fifty times over and I CANNOT stop laughing from it. Or, at least, giggling, I have never laughed as far as I can remember.
Glad to hear it, I was trying to be funny, and I Hope you enjoyed laughing/giggling at my silliness! ヾ(´▽`)ノ

(I like making people laugh actually.
( ̄ー ̄)(ー_ー)( ̄ー ̄)(ー_−)ういうい♪ )
Precious. Lately i like a lot Azunya = w =