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- ? rable 55
- ? genshin impact 41481
- ? hu tao 2162
- ? asian clothes 11482 vietnamese dress korean clothes chinese clothes hu tao (genshin impact) hutao (genshin impact) chinaclothes
- Id: 881118
- Posted: over 3 years ago by Dreista
- Size: 2087x3177
- Source:
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 68
- Favorited by: Wandemberght, emiyashiki2, 1494961868, MichiMouse5, SubZeroInmortal, simon519, 七色月光, royal630, thienpro, 高坂, adc12580, Thid, EmeraldFenix, hydreigon_1278, DaZaes, DragerON, djc, Zaccus, Kintarou_Yuuki, suicide123, eaglestar42, Nemirya, wario3jp, yunlan, nekomimi0413, DreamingCats, Gkx98, midmagnus, sugarganyu, PClaudis, Unlimited42, KiritoCy, Kris7, ROClaudiu2002, chanjoker, Nexus_, 姬柊雪菜, 崔亚丁, Akira_Ken, 爱阴湿毯, katousuki, Joe2525, 血魔弑天, OmegaZX, LxK, vita, Kamito05, Healeffect, melgrim, Aolim, Filianore, assfish111, h2so4cuso4, StefanDuelist, AspenExcel, sovereignty (50 more)
over 3 years agomoonian
over 3 years agoP.S. Edit reverted due to the above.
dick dickinson
over 3 years agoSports wear has a poor array of tags here. Basically everything is gym_uniform even if it's not a uniform.
over 3 years agoThat Wikipedia article that you linked says it itself: "Some sports bras are designed to be worn as outerwear during exercise such as jogging." But in fact all of them are designed to be worn as outerwear, really. But of course, doesn't keep a woman from wearing a shirt over it if they want to cover more, or when it's not that hot to wear only the sports bra alone. For further reference/evidence, note that all the six photos in that article are showing the women wearing them as outerwear.
They also mention further down below: "The most common sports bra is basically designed like a tank top with the bottom half cut off." Like I said before.
So, as per the explained/showed (I think it's enough :P), I'm reverting the edit again; firstly because bra in this site refers specifically to the piece of underwear, and secondly because this is not a questionable image.