
kimu_(yyhhoo23232) sweater

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OMG. I fixed her mouth literally with Paint's selection(+replace) and fillbucket tools. Should I upload?
wo-class said:
OMG. I fixed her mouth literally with Paint's selection(+replace) and fillbucket tools. Should I upload?
the first thought was "nose and mouth are on the wrong place"
so sure would like to see it^^
>I fixed her mouth. Should I upload?
Better not. Firstly you alter image at which artist spend quite some hours or days, and you can easily overdo and damage artist's intentions (that's a lie, eye cancer is an eye cancer). Mistakes are quite common here, worthy a small chuckle (or big one).
And secondly, you're too late for fixing "anime" styled pictures. Your fix could be apllied to 90% of pictures here.
If you have free time, search "fixme" tag, maybe you can help doing some dirty work.