
anthropomorphization dress earth_(planet) headphones jupiter_(planet) lolita_fashion mars_(planet) megane mercury_(planet) neptune_(planet) open_shirt pluto_(dwarf_planet) saturn_(planet) seifuku skirt_lift st.06 sun_(star) uranus_(planet) venus_(planet)

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*cough* Pluto aint a planet at the moment.
And Mars, Saturn & Neptune are named after a males, should they therefor not be male?
Ooh are we shooting fish in a proverbial barrel? Yay.
In that case the sun is called Sol and speaking of the Sun. Its tag is used on two different characters as it is now....
Pluto is obviously adopted.
SciFi said:
*cough* Pluto aint a planet at the moment.
And Mars, Saturn & Neptune are named after a males, should they therefor not be male?
well in that case mercury should be male, earth should be female, and pluto should be male x)
Pluto will forever remain a planet in my heart. ;_;
agreed, ill never admit to 8 planets :o
Hmph. Well while you're at it, add Ceres and Eris to the planet list.
I can't get over the fact that Earth is staring up Venus' skirt.
What's that supposed to represent?

AZD-A9S said:
Hmph. Well while you're at it, add Ceres and Eris to the planet list.
I knew a guy on an anime forum site who had the same harsh droll-ness about his statements.

I've also noticed that Venus doesn't seem to be trying too hard to stop Earth.
Also, Earth is the only one with a band-aid on his face (representing the scars we've left on our planet?).
Frost604 said:
well in that case mercury should be male, earth should be female, and pluto should be male x)
Actually they should all be male except for Venus and Earth.

Anyway, I think having the (smoking, drinking, why?) Sun hold Mercury's hand and making Pluto be a midget is a really nice touch.
Riven said:
Pluto will forever remain a planet in my heart. ;_;
He's that famous mouse's dog in my heart.
Am I the only one who doesn't like Earth...
Earth reminds me of me in my younger years (Not EXACTLY THAT okay?).
Now I'm more of Jupiter.

But anyway:
Sol - admin2
Mercury - Imbir
Venus - Feito
Earth - kyoushiro (Or midzki - syaoran-kun)
Mars - Riven (Or Debbie)
Jupiter - petopeto (Or Radioactive)
Saturn - Aurelia
Uranus - aoie_emesai
Neptune - Shuugo
Pluto - (No idea. Don't know any other [confirmed] females to suit this one.)

Heh heh.
AZD-A9S said:
Uranus - aoie_emesai
hurr durr
I'd offer to be Pluto, but that's either confirming my gender or confirming my gender in the wrong direction.

Either way, I don't want to do it. Keep 'em guessing >:D
AZD-A9S said:
Saturn - Aurelia
Saturn is SO like Aurelia!
And thanks for mentioning me, heheh.
AZD-A9S said:

kyoushiro (Or midzki - syaoran-kun)
...... ( ゚д゚)
Haha... I imagine midzki as Pluto... Or Mercury.
AZD-A9S said:
Mindless chaos at the centre of the universe - midzki
Locked in a cupboard in the Imouto HQ basement - kyoushiro
Fixed that for you.