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@charunetra: feet should not be added for those that are NOT prominent (i.e. "it's there" only isn't enough). Same for ass.
moonian said:
@charunetra: feet should not be added for those that are NOT prominent (i.e. "it's there" only isn't enough). Same for ass.
This guideline should be used for example skirt_lift too.
For example here it isn't even lifted. It's pulled to the side: post #913679

I think skirt_lift should only apply if
(1) the lifted skirt shows off what's meant to be covered (example post #907212 )
(2) the lifted skirt has to be held down not to show (example post #913319 )
(3) the lifted skirt teases with the promise of showing ( example post #910010 )

If none of these apply, skirt lift "is just there", but NOT prominent.
Yeah, I'm not sure what you think skirt_lift means, like post #913755 seriously?

Also you can't say it's "skirt_lift" by just wearing mini skirt and having a seat (post #913298).

To dick dickinson: I think only post #907212 counts in your examples.