
armor buri_(retty9349) cleavage genshin_impact japanese_clothes kamisato_ayaka valentine

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Noticed that some GI characters have the (genshin_impact) part in their tags which is completely unnecessary since there are no other tags which could cause confusion. SHould I just change the name of the tags or not?
blooregardo said:
Noticed that some GI characters have the (genshin_impact) part in their tags which is completely unnecessary since there are no other tags which could cause confusion. SHould I just change the name of the tags or not?
Yes, please do so (use alias function to move them in one go), as even danbooru doesn't have that bracketed bit (no disambiguation is needed currently): .
moonian said:
Yes, please do so (use alias function to move them in one go), as even danbooru doesn't have that bracketed bit (no disambiguation is needed currently): .
Danbooru actually does have (genshin_impact) for all the GI characters with the exceptions being the japanese characters that have a last name. Thanks blooregardo for cleaning up the playable female characters that didn't need disambiguation though since I had the same concern for a while!