
aliasing ass caroline lee_soo-hyon overfiltered pantsu shimapan unbalance_x_unbalance

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So tempted to add the DAT ASS tag for this one... ;)
Radiosity said:
So tempted to add the DAT ASS tag for this one... ;)
You have the avatar.
I like her ass, what of it? ;p
Radiosity said:
I like her ass, what of it? ;p
Aoie thinks Radiosity has good taste. :)
Radiosity said:
I like her ass, what of it? ;p
Nothing. Worship it for a while by putting it as your avatar if you love it. The score will keep getting higher if many users saw it right?
sorry the quality turns me off :|
... I really fail to see the problem with a lot of these images you guys think are bad quality.
Now that i've loaded the full's pretty terrible :/
Radiosity said:
... I really fail to see the problem with a lot of these images you guys think are bad quality.
You need to put your glasses on.
commenting on my own post! I agree the quality is rather poor - i havent found a better copy aside from trying to photoshop it