This post was deleted. Reason: Ups. MD5: b955664d51030e3f2d15e1a46ed02449
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Seems like this has been deleted for the wrong reasons: it's not an upscale and it's higher quality than post #860375.
Would be good if a mod could restore this.
vendiu said:
Seems like this has been deleted for the wrong reasons: it's not an upscale and it's higher quality than post #860375.
Would be good if a mod could restore this.
It wasn't deleted by any Mods, but by the uploader themselves.

And larger dimensions don't automatically imply better quality.
I think "ups" wasn't meant for upscaled, more for an exclamation of surprise or apology from the uploader. Just like the english "oops".
This upload was a mistake. I was a bit scared if this was upscaled after some pools I uploaded were confirmed upscaled by hiroimo2, so I decided to delete it myself.
The backgrounds are cropped differently, so it's at least not an upscale of the other one.
Perhaps just a different digital release?

Anyway, I'd suggest restoring this, but if you don't feel like it, no problem.

To see for yourself, search id:936222 deleted:true and click the direct link under the thumbnail.
There some discusion about this with hiroimo2 and other post deleted by mods (post #936241). I leave this to mods decision if they believe this is not an upscaled. spoiler
vendiu said:
The backgrounds are cropped differently, so it's at least not an upscale of the other one.
Perhaps just a different digital release?
Then you need to find out that official "different digital release" to prove otherwise (instead of uploads from some E-Hentai user who, as mentioned by Arsy above, there was a discussion that they uploaded upscaled images there).
moonian said:
Then you need to find out that official "different digital release" to prove otherwise (instead of uploads from some E-Hentai user who, as mentioned by Arsy above, there was a discussion that they uploaded upscaled images there).
I don't think I'll do any of that - keep it deleted then.
Totally GEI reason to delete it as per usual.