
motoyon seifuku skirt_lift subarashiki_hibi takashima_zakuro

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Tell me she is not going to crash on the ground and die horribly
Pulls out slide rule... Velocity, check. Angle, check. Telemetry with regard to wind shear, check. Yep, she'll nick the left building with her head, causing it to disintegrate, then her torso will slam and bounce once on the sidewalk. She'll obviously land with both legs open exposing her naughty bits....And just after, she'll be reincarnated to some medieval world to fight the demon king using only her plucky charm and her magic vibrator...That was still inside her body when she landed.
Damn! And you got all that info just from the angle. Holy crap you're good!
otakusheep said:
Pulls out slide rule... Velocity, check. Angle, check. Telemetry with regard to wind shear, check. Yep, she'll nick the left building with her head, causing it to disintegrate, then her torso will slam and bounce once on the sidewalk. She'll obviously land with both legs open exposing her naughty bits....And just after, she'll be reincarnated to some medieval world to fight the demon king using only her plucky charm and her magic vibrator...That was still inside her body when she landed.
Now I hate you :X