
azur_lane cleavage impero_(azur_lane) no_bra pompeo_magno_(azur_lane) sho_(shoichi-kokubun) skirt_lift sword uniform

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Dang this game's official wallpapers keep getting better ~
just the developer is able to hire more and more skilled artists.

a result of more and more ppl whaling the game.

same as GFL, old art years ago are often not outstanding.
Better? Not sure. But exclusively for big breast or mature girl fans? Certainly. In the past, there was variety at least.
Arknovalisk said:
Better? Not sure. But exclusively for big breast or mature girl fans? Certainly. In the past, there was variety at least.
Meh Azur Lane still gets plenty of lolis - maybe the official art got milder in that aspect but that's what all the other non-official arts are for ~
Marona762 said:
Meh Azur Lane still gets plenty of lolis - maybe the official art got milder in that aspect but that's what all the other non-official arts are for ~
Except I literally don't give a damn about non-official art. No wonder lolicons are switching from Azur Lane to titles with variety.
Arknovalisk said:
Except I literally don't give a damn about non-official art. No wonder lolicons are switching from Azur Lane to titles with variety.
To be fair, being a Chinese company I'm impressed how much Yostar gets away with - a relatively few arts were censored but for the most part they manage to still make some yummy designs - I wonder if they have some friends in the government ?

Also personally I don't like games with too explicit designs like Last Origin, there's a thin line between being sexy and being vulgar :V
But Azur Lane is pretty explicit with its designs, except for lolis since last year's summer or so.
You sound so salty like as if Azur Lane betrayed the lolicons and now you have a deep grudge on them lmao
HentaiLover11 said:
You sound so salty like as if Azur Lane betrayed the lolicons and now you have a deep grudge on them lmao
This is the second time you use my avatar, first time under this post:

You were using the same avatar I was using back then. I thought it was just a coincidence and didn't want to "Claim ownership" of anything so I changed to this and now you copied it AGAIN; This is not against the rules but I'm gonna let a mod know, this seems like you're trying to harass me.

(Also you just provoked another user while using my avatar trying perhaps to confuse him that it's me)
Not sure why Hentailover is doing that with you specifically, but I saw the different name this time.
And to answer yes, I think they kinda "betrayed" lolicons, and while betray is still not a totally fitting word, providing them materials for 2 years (and not just for free either), then halting it to only cater to the big ship fans is not completely unlike betraying lolicons.
My grudge is only as deep as my grudge for any kind of bait-and-switch, plus a few hundred bucks spent on AL.
Arknovalisk said:
Not sure why Hentailover is doing that with you specifically, but I saw the different name this time.
And to answer yes, I think they kinda "betrayed" lolicons, and while betray is still not a totally fitting word, providing them materials for 2 years (and not just for free either), then halting it to only cater to the big ship fans is not completely unlike betraying lolicons.
My grudge is only as deep as my grudge for any kind of bait-and-switch, plus a few hundred bucks spent on AL.
Yeah I've been in that boat too, I used to play mmorpgs a lot in the past, each and every one of them claiming "Oh we're totally not turning this into a P2W shitfeast" and inevitably every time they did...after 10+ years I quitted playing mmorpgs entirely, it's just a rotten market :V

(PS changed my avatar again)