
garter hololive horns la+_darknesss school_swimsuit scottie swimsuits tail wet

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It's starting to get a bit too easy to tell apart the Hololive trash from other stuff...
I predict that in a few years, there won't be any characters visible anymore - only a growing pile of accessories and some gibberish for a name.
It's not as trash as your average anime though, such a stupid take.
Average anime is called average for a reason.

If the Hollowlife people could turn down the "we need to be uber quirky in everything" even a bit, it could be more palatable, imo.
Please let's avoid needless attrition :V
vendiu said:
At least they are not as shallow and clone #32840 as the average anime characters.
If you mean Post #32840, we may agree that is generic garbage.
I just don't get why stuff like Post #958725 would be any better: there's a weird bird, some stars (because why not?), ridiculous outfit (that likely has some fantasy story attached to it), oversized horns, some braids, a small patch of purple hair... should I continue?
So? It's neither an objective positive or negative trait to have extra distinguishing features. Comes down to personal taste.
And there were more than a few other franchises with at least as many "quirky" designs going on for them.