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Oh, Dreista, how I hate you for always forgetting to properly tag your posts!!! Do you believe that we just have that to do, to pass behind you and to do your job as an uploader??! 😡😡😡
Trit said:
Oh, Dreista, how I hate you for always forgetting to properly tag your posts!!! Do you believe that we just have that to do, to pass behind you and to do your job as an uploader??! 😡😡😡
What you expected? Upload much slight variation and delete them.
Trit said:
Oh, Dreista, how I hate you for always forgetting to properly tag your posts!!! Do you believe that we just have that to do, to pass behind you and to do your job as an uploader??! 😡😡😡
Yeah, they're one of the reasons I stopped tagging images like that - and they're NOT the only user not doing so properly.
I think he is just lazy.
He didn't got any punishment for not tagging. So why should he tag then?