This post has a child post. (post #957497)

asian_clothes genshin_impact hu_tao loli naked qiqi sakura_yuu_(hzjy8485)

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#990000! Next step: ONE MILLION!!! \o/
Trit said:
#990000! Next step: ONE MILLION!!! \o/
On pixiv latest post I saw is number #97883596 - they're pretty close to post 100.000.000

I'd bet pixiv post 100.000.000 will be ... probably some random (un)remarkable artwork
I'd bet pixiv post 100.000.000 will be ... probably some random (un)remarkable artwork
As an old TV ad said (it became a meme in the 2000’s): “C’est le jeu, ma pauvre Lucette !” (It’s the game’s rules, my poor Lucette!)