This post has child posts. (post #992347, 992348, 992349, 992350, 992351, 992352)

indie_virtual_youtuber lingerie machi_(7769) no_bra pantsu wings

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is that abdomen/thigh bad anatomy or bad shading or some perspective problem?
Abraxas said:
is that abdomen/thigh bad anatomy or bad shading or some perspective problem?
"Find similar" function finds us the post #992352, which must be most relevant to the artist's ideas here. The girl's torso seems to be too long. And as common with lame nude-filter-level of variations, clothes don't interact with flesh, but instead send wrong signals. With the plushie(?) position and the look of panties, it makes me think the girl is lying on her stomach. Upper body looks weird in the less dressed variation, making me think of it as an attempt to draw huge breasts. That part seems to be corroborated by the original you tube content. She probably is having breasts squished somewhat. Her shirt makes little sense. So baggy on the sides yet very tight at the cuffs.