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« Previous This post is #16 in the Urotan - Prototypes 0.2 pool.
over 15 years agoBut, if anyone's interested, I'll gladly upload them! ^_^
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoEDIT: I've just uploaded all, hope you guys like it.
Panda cam
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoIf you want, I can upload some safe/questionable doujin pages too, but, sorry, I really can't upload explicit ones. But you can easily download Urotan's doujin, just search on Google and you'll find the torrent. ♥
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoRadioactive
over 15 years agoVorpalNeko
over 15 years agomarts
over 15 years agoAgreed - just look at other... things... people are uploading <.<
over 15 years agoI can't thank you enough... xD
You are all very great... Everyone from this lovely site. ♥
And-- Haha, you're right! I prefer Urotan's sketches than a lot of other artists' colored works.
Panda cam
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoI'll post it as soon as I find it! And you are always welcome, glad you like them.
EDIT: Dear... All I could find was http://btjunkie.org/torrent/urotan-uropyon/3771128f1d9d977a217f0b3728974d9aa33dfc98b644
and http://doujinshi.mugimugi.org/book/123842/Prototypes-0.1/
I'm so sorry... I have to go now but I'll search better later... :(
Panda cam
over 15 years ago:)
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoThanks so much Panda Cam, good luck with it!!! ♥
over 15 years agoRadioactive
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoaoie emesai
over 15 years agoDebbie
over 15 years agoHaha, I am so stupid sometimes! Thanks for the help, I am editing this right now.
almost 15 years agoThank you! >3<b