
howto:upload (Version 18)

Uploading is the act of posting images on the website. Every last image on this site was uploaded by one of our members, so the main way to contribute to the site is by uploading quality images from various sources. Please only upload images that are greater than 1000 pixels in both dimensions.

Basics of uploading

There are four major ways that you can upload images.

  • Using the upload page. The most simple method is to copy the URL of an image, then go to Moe's upload page and paste it into the "source" field (if the URL allows external http referrals). You can also use the "Choose file" button to upload something on your computer.
  • Using the bookmarklet, you can simply click on any image and have it upload. Make sure you have the image in the URL bar (ie. it should look something like this: )
  • Using the Firefox extension. For Firefox 3.0 and higher. This allows you to right-click on any image and popup will appear to upload it directly to one of the *booru sites.
  • Using the API. This requires programming knowledge but allows you to do batch uploads. See forum #1980 for more details.

Upload guidelines

  • Please be sure your image does not violate the terms of service.
  • Read the tagging guidelines.
  • Rate your image according to howto:rate. This is especially important if you are uploading explicit images.
  • Check for duplicates. If you believe the image you want to upload is already on the site, go to the image search and input your image URL or the location on your computer and click "search". If your image is not a duplicate, click "upload" to upload it onto the site. Alternatively, IQDB and its Firefox extension can also help you find duplicates.
  • It is possible to upload different file formats, but PNG for lossless and JPG for everything else are preferred. Flash animations (*.swf) should be uploaded rarely and tagged with "flash". GIF files should not be uploaded.
  • It is preferred that you not upload your own art (original creations, wallpapers or otherwise).
  • The source field should be filled with the original URL location of the image or the name of the site where you got it.
  • This site is intended for high resolution/quality images. Minimum resolution for uploading is 1.6 Megapixel (1300x1300 or 1000x1600 and up). Anything below it will be blocked from being uploaded, and anything below 1.8MP requires mod approval (forum). Poor quality artwork will also be deleted.
  • The "related tags" buttons below the edit box on the upload page returns the 25 most commonly used tags of certain types used in conjunction with the tag(s) currently in the edit box. You can use this to verify that you have spelled your tag correctly if you are not creating a new one. "Related characters" returns character-type tags, "related artists" for artists, etc. "Related tags" returns all six types of tags, not just general.
  • The "find artist" option below the edit box does not work unless you have a URL in the "source" box, and the artist has an associated URL in the artist database.
  • If you do not enter in any tags when uploading, your post will automatically be tagged with tagme.
  • Even if your image is not up to Moe's size standards, there may be other appropriate places to post it, such as Danbooru/Safebooru. See the Overbooru for a complete list and descriptions between the differences.
(Partially copied from Danbooru)
Updated by K@tsu almost 10 years ago