Depends on where you buy them. Are you sure that aren't you getting chinese copies?
I get them from so no, japanese copies. I do get the ID Cards though, just no poster thing.
Isn't it only the limited editions ones that comes with posters/stickers?
I would say that apparently they only come with this First Press release thing...and Japan Amazon doesn't sell them, that or I can't read it to find how to...ah well...
hmm... if i remember right, at least for limited edition, there is usually a different set of kanji, etc. after the name of the dvd... however, on first press stuff, thats a luck of the draw thing that even i can't master with :*( .... guess you just have to pre-order everything really early to increase your chances XD
Yeah it's like those 1k or 10k first LE releases that comes with this stuff.
Date Oct 24, 2007 User sayane Rating Safe Score 7
Nice Pic, but needs more quality ...
Date Oct 24, 2007 User kagamin Rating Safe Score 4
If you want to post low-res scans, there are other images boards on the web that will accept them...
Date Oct 19, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 42
Tried to clean up the fold in the middle, sorta failed, any suggestions on how to improve?
ps has this one feature, not the spot healing but the other one...
kind of like you draw shapes, and then move that shape recalculating the pixels on where u drag it. bleh hard to explain...
with this its easier to make the hard color difference not noticable, used it on the znt cat scan a while back
Date Aug 10, 2007 User admin2 Rating Questionable Score 12
admin2, who's the artist of this one? The art seems so familiar, but I can't seem to name it >.< I'll take a wild guess, Murakami Suigun
Not too sure to be honest, its from a 2month old d-hime magazine though..
I think it's Kimiduka Aoi
I'll let you be the judge.
Her eyes look Kimizuka-like, but the rest of her doesn't.
Date Oct 20, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 14
Some nasty bleed on this one...
Date Oct 12, 2007 User admin2 Rating Explicit Score 163 Hidden 6 Sounds interesting.
Probably later tonight/early tomorrow it'll be up and running on a test basis.
That sounds like a fantastic idea! I look forward to your test site, admin2.
Its live, you'll have to sign up again though, sorry.
Date Oct 15, 2007 User admin2 Rating Questionable Score 78
Where'd I put that ultraloli tag? I know it's around here somewhere...
Anyways, thanks for the awesome ero uploads admin2, much appreciated.
Date Oct 14, 2007 User MDGeist Rating Questionable Score 25
when I first saw this image I though "wtf, why the hell did they fuck up her feet" ... some time later I realized she had some sorts of socks on...
I'm pretty sure those "socks" are called tights. They go up to her waist.
ah ... lacked this word... the scans had her normal wear too... but as parts to cut off ... some shooping could be enough to change her clothes! (louises, too)
Date Oct 10, 2007 User admin2 Rating Questionable Score 22
should the tag "fixed" exist? I mean, it doesn't matter as long as the pictures are don't need to searched for the fixed ones only, amarite?