Date Dec 6, 2006 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 8 Hidden 9
Those processed versions look terrible, far too aggressive noise reduction. I'm rather have paper texture than so much detail loss.
I always thought the "paper texture effect" was because it was a scan and never as good as the original image...Never knew it was because of textured paper..Anyways this looks i need time to think about it...Btw is the post section of moe.imouto down? I can't seem to access it with IE or Firefox not even with another com...
Server ran out of hd space, problem solved
Processing for textured paper causes a drastic drop in detail, but for "untextured" (Sorry for my ignorance but I have no idea what its called...) paper is the detail lost as much? can I request a link for a scan with "untextured" paper for reference. I think the 600dpi should stay though because it is easy to resize with a image editing softwares. Actually I think a poll or something would be rather useful in seeking public opinion on this matter. Seeing as how only two of us have replied to this post which is strange... Unless people don't really care about it one way or the other as long as they get their scans...
600dpi and unprocessed, the latest artbook sure is a great Christmas gift for me. Thanks for setting it that way! Sorry for the super late reply, was messing around with photopaper...