reduce weight of scans
boys, I discovered that if you download an image and open with "paint" and add even a single pixel (but you can add even more) and saved, you will see that the image has lost some MB !!!
open it in photoshop, delete all pixels, and save it as png image will be REALLY SMALL !!!

OMG !!!


paint sucks, the imagequality of its jpg engine is horrible!!
save the image as bmp, AND IT WILL BE LARGER , TOO !! OMG
What exactly this thread about?
aoie_emesai said:
What exactly this thread about?
Advanced techniques of image compression.
blooregardo said:
Advanced techniques of image compression.
Hahahaa :D
blooregardo said:
Advanced techniques of image corruption
(lll ̄□ ̄)!!
What format?
If it's JPEG then it's because Paint saves at something like 75% of quality where as standard on imouto is 95-100%.
This can not be changed, unlike in PSP/Photoshop/GIMP/etc. which allow one to set the compression:quality ratio.
Oh guys, come on he just tried to help.
Radioactive said:
……………………………..,< `.._|_,-&``................`\]……………………………………..________
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Now the time your monitor's compression detection level cheeeeeck (`・∀・´)

if you think Lv7 is good enough, throw your monitor away through your window (ノ゚∀゚)ノ ~
midzki said:

if you think Lv7 is good enough, throw your monitor away through your window (ノ゚∀゚)ノ ~
Just to be save, also set up a checkup with your optometrist.
Anything else than lv12 needs serious optometrist check
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Lv 10, and zooming a lot.