Nekotsúh said:
A few days ago a friend of mine who has recently made an account, asked me if there was a tag meaning the pictures of doujinshi pages or something like this. He told me he didn't want to see that specific group of images and I said there wasn't a tag for that, just the monochrome that it's a bit ambiguous just working for doujinshi pages.

I was thinking about it and as long as there's a disc_cover or sketch tag, why don't we have one for doujinshi?

It's just my proposal and in my opinion it would be useful :3
Since we don't host too many doujinshis (esp. the monochrome ones), I don't think is so meaningful..

On the other hand, most of our scans are colorful doujinshis, I don't know why he wants to avoid them ;_;