Implement a way to tell if a Pool is complete or not (all pages of the work scanned & uploaded). This suggestion is designed to help both people downloading and those scanning/uploading, identify pools with missing pages.

For the Pool list page ( ), add color coded boxes. A color for COMPLETE, a color for INCOMPLETE, and a color for UNKNOWN. Default everything to UNKNOWN for existing pools, but for the Pools with links, attempt to automatically parse the page numbers.

For the Pool creation page ( ), add a new entry for total number of pages (the number of pages that could potentially be uploaded for the work, NOT the number planned to be uploaded). List xxx of xxx pages on each Pool page. Make this value editable from the Pool page. When the number of images match the total number of image value, the server would automatically change the color coded value to the color for COMPLETE.

If this was implemented, would people actually use it and find it helpful? Is counting/finding/adding the total number of potential pages for a Pool too much work?