animefan01 said:
Pd f works best for me... Thanks for all this hard work! This book is amazing and the frills just kill like at page 121! I'm designing a vampire goth loli but again, I'm having trouble not making her stereotypical...
*Cries in corner* Thank you so much!!!!
Animefan01 Sensei! Don't cry.... Your gonna make me cry too T_T
and... I want to see the goth loli you made ^_^


Gehuehuehue This isn't the end of the legacy! The next book I plan to scan is this one:
萌えキャラクターの描き分け 基本テクニック編
It should be coming in a few days...
and it's cuteness power is out of this world. And. We. Will. Have. It.
AND well decide what book should be ordered next!


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