komet-a said:
Thanks so much!
I just didn't expected I will have so much work... (orz why geography exams are always so hard), I hope everything will be easier when first semester ends ;-;
And sorry again for disappointing you >,<
No disappointment I actually did not expect anybody to jump up and offer to do it! ^_^

yabde33 said:

ps : how to make a pattern in the tshirt? I tried Pattern overlay, but it doesmt permit the option 'Multiply' so it was not good... I see many patterns in manga's pictures, and are definitively not made by hand....
I may not understand, are you trying to shade where the cloth folds?

I would recommend looking at fashion galleries or books on drawing clothing.

What I do when I shade is make a new layer on top of the drawing with the "multiply" blend mode and draw dark blue or other dark color with low opacity where the shadows are; not the best way maybe but works OK for me.
In any case, this may be a subject for another thread
Sorry if I could not be of more help.