thanks for creating this thread, radio!

yes, i think that rather than fighting and just exposing contrary views, its more productive and smarter making an active effort to keep a real dialogue open, with ideas flowing from every side. this way its easier to understand how people have the ideas they have today, and how things could be different, instead of just demonizing the others that have a different view from yours.

so do not hesitate the tiniest bit to post any comment at all! please feel comfortable to informally talk about what bothers you, about your ideas. i too will try my best to be friendly and comprehensive

when im back, ill try to make a coherent and objective text about some toxic aspects of objectification in anime culture, a fairly common practice that affects mostly the female figure, but not only.

some works create an unreal level of plainness in some characters, with the conscious objective (or not) of representing a "type" of person in that character. you know, "the scandalous gay man", "the dumb girl with big breasts", "the obnoxious girl that doesnt mind being groped", "the tsundere", "the bald guy for comedy", "the huge breast woman that seduces everyone and wants to have sex with everyone", "the super muscled dude that is all muscles and testosterone and no brain", "the stupid black guy that is probably a villain". (because of course, an isolate characteristic completely defines a person, you can tell exactly every aspect of any individual based on his hair, body type, sexuality, clothing or behavior vice).

this is incredibly poor and damaging to both: not only the "type" represented (for it becomes a dull caricature with no humanity or depth) but also for the people who watch it. because those poor "type" characters unconsciously enforce the belief those "types" are exactly like shown, that they have little complexity of feelings and issues, and thus further separates people with some trait of that "type" and others. the watchers have more difficult in raising empathy towards people that have some comedic "type" trait, since they arent explored as any other human, but as a representative to fixed ideas that usually do not contemplate most people. they dont have common feelings and concerns that people usually do. they are frequently empty, just a slave to some plot point or comedy scene (or even worse, just sexual depiction of the body figure)

i will avoid using the theme "fan service", because i dont think most things labeled as "fan service" are really a service to the fan, but something completely not productive. true fan service is minding the fans and creating quality content, thats what i think...

ofc some comedy/light-hearted shows arent as serious when creating content, but i think smart humor is desirable, and new ideas and critiques are always welcome.

and unfortunately this isnt taken very seriously on the anime/manga/gaming environment, when its actually quite serious. not exactly for the series itself, since the anime itself hardly creates any harm. But for reinforcing an VERY REAL AND ALREADY ESTABLISHED STRUCTURE OF DISCRIMINATION AND ABUSE in society. unlike a sexist ecchi anime, REAL sexism damages and kills. real sexism destroy careers, families and lives. same to homophobia, transphobia, racism, and so on. anime and manga didnt create sexism, homophobia, or racism; but, in just reproducing common belief, it is reinforcing them, because society IS sexist, homophobic, and racist. everyone is raised on a sexist, homophobic and racist society, so this is why many people turn out to be sexist, homophobic and racist. easy to understand, right?

>>>>> what we need is to make a real conscious effort to stop being what society has always taught us to be. <<<<<

also: if you think sexism, lgbtfobia, racism, xenophobia, etc. arent as dangerous as people say, then i have to tell you youre wrong, and you probably have a very privileged position in society. im dont blame you, its not your fault you are privileged. but recognizing that many bad things that dont affect you do exist and affect many other people is so important to humanity.
please, i ask you, please search for different news than the ones you are used to read. read texts with different ideologies. watch attentively and open minded the latest news, from various internet sources, with various ideologies... and be as compassionate as you can.

well, talk to you later! please do come in, everyone.