I think all the relevant points have been pretty clearly made. As was said earlier its only a small, vocal minority that wants to make people think there is something inherently wrong with whatever industry isn't cow-towing to the loud Social Justice crowd.

Honestly doing anything but idealizing beauty or the absolute best physical specimens of humanity is a recipe for creating a slothful, disinterested, cynical, and obese society. Look what happened to western art when the standards were gotten rid of. Now we get existential pieces that are so all over the place it only resembles art by the name and declaration of it being 'art'.

I would suggest to Debbie that the path she goes down is one that is fraught with negativity. Being upset over an drawn female ass that is showing nothing explicit, should tell you where that train of logic is going. Sexualization is not inherently bad. Idealization should be desired, so that it makes us all strive to emulate it. The two are not mutually exclusive. Some is done for almost entirely lurid reasons and others are meant to emphasize its beauty, and idealization. We need our sexual drive so that we can continue to survive as a species. Trying to censor that, really stinks of almost Puritanical chastity.