Mobile Applications Thread (mirror)
Original thread on Danbooru.

The purpose of this thread is to give an overview of currently available mobile applications for Danbooru style image-boards.

Anime boxes

OS: Android, iOS
Status: Active
Author: Bisimplex
Site: Website, Twitter
Source code: Closed-source
License: All rights reserved
Support: Discord, Forum
Privacy [ads/tracking]: Privacy policy [yes/?]
Donate: -

⇩ Download (Android): Amazon (free), .apk (free)
⇩ Download (iOS): App Store (freemium)

Booru Viewer

OS: Windows
Status: Active
Author: Archerofyail
Site: Twitter
Source code: Bitbucket
License: All rights reserved (though the source code is available for learning and reference)
Support: Bitbucket
Privacy [ads/tracking]: [no/only crash reports]

⇩ Download: Hockeyapp (free), Bitbucket (free)


OS: Android
Status: Active
Author: onlymash
Site: Twitter
Source code: Github
License: GPLv3
Support: GitHub, Telegram, Discord
Privacy [ads/tracking]: Privacy policy [no/only crash reports]
Donate: PayPal, Alipay, Bitcoin

⇩ Download: Google Play Store (free), .apk (free)


Status: Active
Author: Andy Ibanez
Site: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google+
Source code: Closed-source
License: All rights reserved
Support: Website form
Privacy [ads/tracking]: [no/?]
Donate: -

⇩ Download: App Store (beta sign-up)


OS: Android
Status: Active
Author: Tomasz Jan Góralczyk
Site: Twitter, Blog
Source code: GitHub + GitHub (API client library)
License: GPLv2 + ISC (API client library)
Support: GitHub, IRC
Privacy [ads/tracking]: [no/no]
Donate: PayPal, Patreon, Bitcoin

⇩ Download: Google Play Store (free), F-Droid (free), .apk (free)
"Moe Anime Wallpapers" for iOS, basically just shows Safe posts from here, Danbooru or Konachan
blooregardo said:
"Moe Anime Wallpapers" for iOS, basically just shows Safe posts from here, Danbooru or Konachan
  • Added the app (iOS) "Moe Anime Wallpaper"
  • Marked the app "Zenbooru" as inactive
I can't see the H-Pictures on Anime Boxes or Nori... :C
What about Mbooru? It's strange nobody has ever mentioned this miracle.
Status: active
Price: Free
Download apk here:
Been using that miracle, it used to be available in playstore, : (
  • Marked the app "AirBooru" as inactive
  • Marked the app "Booru" as inactive
  • Removed inactive apps from list
  • Fixed App Store download links
  • Updated statuses
I couldn’t get anime boxes to work for iOS
I filled in the server exactly as instructed but it just tells me status code 404 whenever I try to browse anything.

Also the beta application for Mignori isn’t working. Why is nothing working at all with all these apps?
chen said:
I couldn’t get anime boxes to work for iOS
I filled in the server exactly as instructed but it just tells me status code 404 whenever I try to browse anything.

Also the beta application for Mignori isn’t working. Why is nothing working at all with all these apps?
What issues are you having with Mignori? is working fine for me (and all other testers in our Discord channel).

Please come by our Discord channel (link our website - Don't want to spam it here), or e-mail us at shoujo[at]mignori[dot]com to help you.

The configuration for is as follows:

Server Type: MyImouto
Server URL:

Leave all other fields blank (Except for Server Name, which can be anything you want)
  • Ordered apps alphabetically
  • Added Amazon link for Anime Boxes
  • Fixed beta sign-up link for Mignori
  • Added the Windows app "Booru Viewer"
I want to recommend this UWP app in the Microsoft Store Moecatnip:

It support many features from including tags, rating, parent, login, etc.
The app supports many Windows10 features: Fluent design, sharing, Live tile, wallpaper and lock screen customization, etc.

Tip: For unlock the questionable and explicit ratings, go to search and type rating:explicit. You will get a message, later in the filtering settings, tick the questionable and explicit options. Also, there are many questionable/explicit tag blacklisted for default, just delete them in the filtering settings too.

Actually the R18 content in the app is occult because Microsoft Store policies. But with this, you can access to all the content.
Mbooru 0.8.4 seems to not work anymore. How come?
eccdbb said:
Mbooru 0.8.4 seems to not work anymore. How come?
Also using this since it's light and works great. Anyone knows how to fix this?


OS: Android
Status: Active
Author: onlymash
Site: Twitter
Source code: Github
License: GPLv3
Support: Telegram
Privacy [ads/tracking]: [yes/Privacy Policy]
Donate: PayPal/Alipay/BTC
Download: Github
div said:
I want to recommend this UWP app in the Microsoft Store Moecatnip:

It support many features from including tags, rating, parent, login, etc.
The app supports many Windows10 features: Fluent design, sharing, Live tile, wallpaper and lock screen customization, etc.

Tip: For unlock the questionable and explicit ratings, go to search and type rating:explicit. You will get a message, later in the filtering settings, tick the questionable and explicit options. Also, there are many questionable/explicit tag blacklisted for default, just delete them in the filtering settings too.

Actually the R18 content in the app is occult because Microsoft Store policies. But with this, you can access to all the content.
Thanks for mentioning it.
However I haven't decided which license to use yet. Most likely MIT.
Thanks for providing this app, wow, this is a long time ago post!