MugiMugi said:
Also the 2GB cache does not factor in your own shares.
I'm pretty sure the 2GB Unity requirement does take your own shares into account, since it adds them directly to your Unity. If it didn't, why would the notice about 2GB stop popping up after you add 2GB of stuff? The whole point is to have 2GB of things to to contribute (upload) to the PD network.

I am also under the belief that until you fill your Unity to 40GB, it will download random things constantly, at the possible expense of your specified downloads (if you have only limited download speed from Japan). Once I manually added 40GB of stuff and my Unity, 95%+ of everything downloaded since were things I specified.

syaoran-kun said:
Don't run PD if your upload is less than 100 kb/s.
This is also very true, along with the fact that I think PD will limit your download slots, speed, and possibly queue priority if you specify you have a low bandwidth connection in settings.

I have a 20Mbps/20Mbps connection with excellent routing to and from Japan and my experience is similar to what syaoran described on his 100Mbps server.