Please log in. To create a new account, enter the name and password you want to use.
If you supplied an email address when you signed up or added a email later, you can have your password reset.
This user name doesn't exist. If you want to create a new account, just verify your password and log in.
This user name exists. If you want to create a new account, please choose a different name.
Enter the current email address you have registered in your profile. You'll get an email containing your new password.
You have no email address in your profile, so you can't have your password reset.
Password reset. Check your email in a few minutes
That account does not exist.
The email address specified is not registered with this account.
Delivery to this email address has failed.
What's the website name??
So that it is not removed, more of the tips is not going to put out.
Waiting for us to upload the book! (-ω-)/
「ファンタジー背景」描き方教室 Photoshopで描く! 心を揺さぶる風景の秘訣 (Entertainment&IDEA)
萌え絵の教科書 vol.5 ゲーム絵師が教える! ファンタジーイラストの基本ルールと魅せるテクニック (三才ムックvol.975)
2.超入門 これなら描ける!服のシワの描き方の教科書 (マンガの教科書シリーズ)
3.ドレスの描き方 (超描けるシリーズ)
4.新版 CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROデジタルイラストテクニック (玄光社MOOK)
5.○×式で解説 誰でもかんたん!! パースがわかる本: 空間認識力アップで漫画・イラストが上手くなる!
6.ケモミミの描き方 (超描けるシリーズ)
7.誰でもかんたん!!構図がわかる本:バランス力アップで漫画・イラストが上手くなる! (○×式で解説)