Hi! I'm still looking for the following volumes of "How to Draw Manga": 15, 16, 17, 33, 37, 39, 41 and 43

Preferably in English (since I can't read JP) but wont be picky if you have any other edition!

I've got all the others if someone is also looking (however these volumes are in JP: 19, 21, 24, 31 and 42. Also have the 24 in ES and the 25 is in french!), also have the Completed: More How to Draw (EN but vol4 JP), How to Draw Ultimate (JP), Computones (EN) and Sketching Manga (EN)

If you need some of the one I have just ask and I'll upload a link for them (usually check the forum once a day)

Thank you for your help/time! ;)