petopeto said:
It's pushing the numbers out of range...
How do I know if numbers are in range? Is Gfact of 5 and above the only thing that will produce out-of-range numbers? Is it out-of-range for GPU only?

I remember asking you before what the valid ranges for all the values were, but you never gave me an answer. Do you know? As a test, when entering 100000 for all the values, it seems to silently exit/crash, so there must be a valid limit for each value, right?

In the older CPU-only revision, I remember sometimes seeing it produce scattered semi-transparent pixels in dark areas. Could that be caused by out-of-range values or do you think it was caused by something different?

As for Gfact, normally I have found values up to 3 sometimes useful. That image just had a lot of low frequency noise, so I was using a high alpha value and an unusually high Gfact to detect all the structure (brightness wasn't an issue).