Are there any Japanese resident on the forum ? I am really looking for the following ebook :
and I know that I'm not the only one here.

I am willing to contribute some $$$ to buy book from the whistlist. I'm sure that if most of us make donation to a trustworthy Japanese resident that is able to scan and share ebooks, our ebook library would become the n* 1 on the internet.

I can only buy digital ebooks from either and ebooksjapan as I have an account on both marketplace.
If you're willing to share the cost, I'll be able to purchase, scan and share new ebooks.

For those who are interested, I started a list of the available ebooks. Whenever you'll click on the download link, we'll get money in order to purchase new ebooks.

Thanks to everyone, we were able to gather $1,7 and the payout is at $5. So if you can't make any donation, please download the ebooks from my list so that you can help us to acquire new books from the whistlist.

Here's the ebooks list : I will update the list as often as possible.

Thanks to everyone for their contribution to the community.