Thank you for sharing this information, Vivian55.
Actually, I'm only interested in the ebook version of books. Also, if I bought the book, I don't know how to scan it. eBook are much easier to share in good quality. That is why I was willing to buy the book in digital but as it is only available in hard cover, I'll consider buying it.


I just updated the list of ebooks, it tooks me more than 8 hours to complete this list. How it will be helpful. It's not finished yet are there are still plenty of others ebooks that I did not have time to add in the list... but don't worry, I included most of them.

If there are any mistake or if you wish to add new ebooks, please let me know.

Here's the link:
You can download the ebook you want to click any of the link available in the Download Column.
Don't forget that clicking on my link will allow me to gain money in order to buy new ebooks from either HONTO.JP or eBooksJapan and share them with the community.
You may also want to make a donation to my PayPal for the same purpose.

I'll probably buy from Vivian55's website.