jueony said:
デジタルイラストの「構図・ポーズ」事典 キャラクターを引き立てる絵作りの秘訣40 (デジタルイラスト描き方事典)

I found this from this website

But there is a watermark on the middle of the book except 009.jpg, 013.jpg and 121.jpg
It's kinda annoying. So I tried to remove it by using a blank page with the watermark(002.jpg). But I couldn't completely remove the watermark because of my bad photoshop skills.

I tried 2 method, and here are the methods I tried.
(Method B looks slightly better in my opinion)

Method A
1. Copy the 002.jpg(a blank page with the watermark) and paste it on the other pages.
2. Change the layer mode to 'Divide'.
3. Merge Layers and save.

Method B
1. Copy the 002.jpg(a blank page with the watermark) and paste it on the other pages.
2. Change the layer mode to 'Difference'.
3. Merge Layers.
4. Invert the colors(Ctrl+I).

If anyone knows better method to remove the watermark, please let me know.
And the DL link is non-edited version(watermarked version).
thank you