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NyraNya said: I'll help you buy that one so we have the full collection, I really like these books. I'm a bit busy with work but expect a message tomorrow.
Any other books on kindle unlimited which you'd be interested in? Please post links.
How is the status on the Super Pose books? What books are we missing?
If there are any good books on drawing male/female body which are missing please post those as well.
Thanks. You mean any other books on kindle that I'm interested in, right? Ok, here's the books on kindle that I'm interested in. It's a very long list. I don't know if they are actually good books, though.
※I also like Let's Make ★ Character series. But someone in this forum said he/she has most of them. He/she might upload them in the future. I'm not sure. As long as I know, we have vol 2(Chinese), 7(Chinese), 9, 10. I think I saw vol 4(chinese) in chinese website, I might be wrong.
Ok, here's the books on kindle that I'm interested in. It's a very long list.
I don't know if they are actually good books, though.
about super pose book.
EdenGenesis said he/she will buy this series. I'm not sure which one that he/she already has.
But anyway, here's all we have at this point as far as I know.
ヌード・バラエティ編4 Cute
ヌード・バラエティ編5 Gorgeous
There are still a lot of super pose books on kindle. There are too many of them, so I can't post all of their links.
Check here
Personally, these are my most interested ones.
バラエティ編3 Cool
ヌード編 7
男性編(this is the only male version in this series)
足・脚&脚線美編(this one is focused on foot&legs)
ヌード バラエティ編 8 Fairy
スペシャル・ヌードポーズ集 小倉由菜
And these are not same series, but they look like good pose books.
フォトグラファーのためのセクシーポーズBOOK ベッド&バスルーム編
about backgrounds
基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック
マンガでわかる キラとマリアの背景が描きたい!―自然編―
マンガでわかる キラとマリアの背景が描きたい! 部屋・家具・建物編
マンガでわかるパース! キラとマリアの背景が描きたい!―学校編―
「ファンタジー背景」描き方教室 Photoshopで描く! 心を揺さぶる風景の秘訣
Illust making, how to paint(digital)
デジタルイラスト 色塗りメイキング講座
美しい幻想世界とキャラクターを描く(requested many times in this forum)
先輩絵師に学ぶ作画テクニック ILLUST STUDIO公式メイキング講座
CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROで幻想的な美少女イラストを描く3つの流儀
「ファンタジーキャラ」描き方教室 デジタルで描く! 世界を魅せるキャラの技術
世界観のつくり方 イラストレーション作家の創造力
キャラ魅せメイキング 美少女イラスト×肌・髪・瞳・服の質感表現
※I also like Let's Make ★ Character series. But someone in this forum said he/she has most of them.
He/she might upload them in the future. I'm not sure.
As long as I know, we have vol 2(Chinese), 7(Chinese), 9, 10. I think I saw vol 4(chinese) in chinese website, I might be wrong.
Drawing manga
デジタル漫画のテクニック(to make web comic/manga)
もっと魅せる・面白くする 魂に響く 漫画コマワリ教室(paneling)
ゼロからわかるマンガの作り方(stories, characters)
上手くなりたい マンガ超初級講座(tutorial for beginners)
西洋甲冑&武具 作画資料(Western armor, fantasy armor)
写真と図説でわかる 衣服のシワ上達ガイド
写真と図説でわかる 衣服のシワ上達ガイド2
アイドル衣装デザイン図鑑(to design idol costume)
ファンタジー衣装の描き方(how to draw fantasy costumes)
マンガキャラの服装資料集 男子制服編
マンガキャラの服装資料集 男子歴史ファンタジー編
toshi's tutorials that we don't have
線と陰 アニメーターから学ぶキャラクター作画術
極める!キャラ作画 神技作画シリーズ
CLIP STUDIO PAINT キラキラの描き方(jewelry, metal, etc)
才能はいらない イラストで食う技術(strategies of moe-illustrations for working creatively without talent)
鉛筆一本ではじめる光と陰の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法(drawing in general)
とことん解説! キャラクターの描き方入門教室
美少女キャラデッサン 顔・からだ編(requested many times in this forum)
裸婦とクロッキー みみずく アート シリーズ(quick drawing female nude)
マンガのための拳銃&ライフル戦闘ポーズ集(poses with guns)
メルヘンファンタジーな女の子のキャラデザ&作画テクニック(to design fairy tale fantasy characters, requested many times in this forum)
魅力的な人物を作る!マンガキャラクター講座(How to create charming characters)
And I'll buy this one in near future(probably next week or something)