jueony said:
I used google translate to find out how to use that website.

If you want to add ebooks to get set points, click the "付" icon like this image.

Put your baidu link and what points.
For example, let's say that you want to sell the link "", and the price is 50 points.
click the "付" icon, put and 50, click 提交.
Then you'll get this.


Then put some sample images and post it.

And optionally, you can use "[hide][/hide]" as well.
For example,


The text between "[hide]" and "[/hide]" will be only shown to people who wrote comments to your post.
If you use this function, it will look like this to other people. If someone wants to see what you hided, he should click 回复 to write comments. Many people use this hide function to get more comments.
I'm not sure if you can get extra points by getting many comments or something.

This is the forum for tutorial books probably.
And this is the forum for settei(設定集) probably.
All of you said are right.You can ask me if any questions. I'm Chinese.