jueony said:
モノクロイラストテクニック was not uploaded with any title, that's why.
But anyway, I'm not mad.

BTW, do you have any progress on DMM's ebook?
Does your macro recorder work properly?
If you have any trouble please let me know.

And I bought 2 ebooks on DMM.
One of them is this one.

I'll share them soon.
Great! I'm still having trouble, but my biggest trouble is my Japanese wife who often come behind my back and check my screen... if she sees any ecchi-like books, she'll somehow bother me with such thing. When she's off, it's the turn of my children to bother me. I have to find the best time to try again...

That's why I upload kindle first, they are more easy to share.

I've found another nice book:
Amazon preview

It'd be great if we could buy them all! I am tempted to create a GoFundMe campaign as some member advised me to do. But well, I guess it will probably not work as much as we'd love to.

What is great is that we managed to get a lot of books so far. I'm about to write a fantasy-like manga. With knights, that's why I bought a Japanese kindle about how to draw knights. I also want to draw Monsters and dragons. Not to mention landscape with castle. It's not easy to find good books that teach you everything.

By the way, my KU subscription started 2 days ago. If you have KU books you'd like. Just let me know!

Just one more question. Is it normal that I had no need of VPN to buy on Amazon Japan? I just had once problem in the last purchase, saying that I come from Abroad and that I can't buy on Amazon Japan, but I never tried to buy a new kindle. I can still download KU without problem so It should be least, that's what I hope so!