EdenGenesis said:
Hello everyone,

Last time I shared the book preview: 漫画バイブル(5)without knowing it belonged to a series of 5 Manga Bible books. It's an amazing collection. Each books cost about 1800¥ so all together, we'd have to spend 8350¥ : 65€


漫画バイブル(2)構図破り編 Kindle版L

漫画バイブル(3)数億万人のキャラクター編 Kindle版

漫画バイブル(4)カラーVS白黒 天地創造編 Kindle版

漫画バイブル(5)コマ割り映画技法編 Kindle版

According to critics, these books are great for the beginner and advanced Mangaka. I'd love to get them all but I'll only be able to buy one of them. If 5 members bought one of them, we'd be able to share this collection. If you're interested, just let me know which one you'd buy so that we don't buy the same lol
I have Chinese versions of 4 of these books:

DL missing pages

漫画バイブル(2)構図破り編 Kindle版L

漫画バイブル(4)カラーVS白黒 天地創造編 Kindle版

漫画バイブル(5)コマ割り映画技法編 Kindle版

As you see I don't have number 3. I had those books long ago, I don't even remember the original source I got them from.