RavenMeteor said:
Maybe you should buy super pose books first, because their discount will end soon.
Most of the Super Pose Books I want aren't on discount so I can wait. Also, I'd like to buy some kindle that are easier to share for me. What is great is that if a new member of DMM buy one of them, he can get a discount of 650¥. As I already used my discount, I'd have to buy it around 2500¥ or 2700¥ depending on the SPB while a new DMM customer would get it for about 1900¥. It'd be a great deal for new members. I already bought 4 SPB books on DMM, and I have 6 others SPB on Honto/ebooksJapan.

I am quite busy recently and I have to fix my VPN issue in order to buy new books on Amazon Japan.