leon969696 said:
somebody has it ?

this I need the most
These 2 books were posted before.
男の筋肉 描きわけポーズ集 スリムからマッチョまで
Check NhiDongSunRang's post on the page 40.

Check NhiDongSunRang's post on the page 41.

And I found the Chinese version of 着物の描き方

leon969696 said:
is these like super pose for male ?
According to their titles, the first 5 books you asked are male pose reference books. "ポーズ集" means pose collection.

But if you want nude/swim suit male pose references, I don't know how many nude/swim suit photos in them. Especially, I'm not sure whether コンビポーズ集150 has any those kind of photos.

leon969696 said:
my little colaboration, I don't know if this already posted (I hope not)

총&나이프 격투포즈 스타일도감

I posted this one before. I scanned it actually.