I'm sorry, I apologize if I came off as ill-mannered to you; it was not my intention whatsoever.

From what you said, it sounds like you were either zooming in or still using paths instead of shape layers. Shape layers do indeed upscale (as in, resizing an image that's 1280x720 to 1920x1080) without loss of information because they are vectors, not pixels. Trust me, I upscale shape layers all the time. If you zoom in, however, it will appear pixelated even though it truly is not.

Photoshop obviously isn't a vector based program like Illustrator or Inkscape, so it has its blatant drawbacks, but it does indeed have basic vectoring capabilities that are relatively simple and easy to use. I do use Illustrator as well (albeit infrequently) and I personally find Photoshop much more pleasant to deal with when vectoring scans or screencaps. I've seen many vectors done in Illustrator that don't look right to me, so I would hazard an opinion that it matters less what program you use and more about your own skill level.

As for exporting svg from Photoshop, I really don't know. Since svg is not generally well supported, (moe, danbooru and most image boards don't accept it) I don't use it. Sorry I can't help.