BiOmega is by Tsutomu Nihei, and it's similar to Blame!. There's Noise! as well (Prequel to Blame!, I know the Tokyopop copies of Blame! have some chapters of Noise! included).

There was also "Net Sphere Engineer", which was a also related to Blame!, but Nihei stopped afaik.

There are a few one shots by Nihei as well, Blame Academy and Blame Academy Afternoon were both short, but funny parodies of Blame!. Other two were "Zeb Noid" and "Abba". The artbook "Blame, as so on" had some stuff from Nihei's older work as well if I recall correctly.

I can't think of any futurustic/scifi punk/dark stuff similar to Blame!. Biomega and "Dogs - Bullets & Carnage" are the only two manga I'm busy reading at the moment, Dogs BnC being probably the closest manga I've read to blame, but it's much less sci-fi.