Saikano_iki said:
if you really have them, upload the collection please.
Saikano, here is the non-exhaustive list of Super Pose Nude Books in my collection:


I also have others that I have co-purchased with other members as well as some that have been generously shared by members of the forum.

I must have only missed 2-3 books from this collection.

For the "Perfect Nude Pose Books", including the one bought with FlashySnowMan, I have almost the whole of this collection, I am only missing one or two books, one of which was bought (it seems to me) by Aradois that I would like him to share with me.

As I bought these books from Japanese sites, unfortunately they are protected against piracy. Of this collection, I have only shared on this forum, those bought on Amazon.
Jueony had managed to take screenshots of my books by logging in, with my consent, to my accounts, but unfortunately I did not find all of the original files she converted for me.

As soon as I found them, I would not share them here but on my forum or my Discord server because I do not want them to be distributed massively online and that people make profit on our backs from sharing them as it has been too often the case on this forum and which scared away active members and was at the origin of the creation of the Yandere Discord server.

If you have any questions or want to join us, send me a PM. ^_^