banning it just because of the creators ai nature is an act of utter futility. the greatest impact such action will ever have is those in control of the ai creating personas as facade for the ai and continuing anyway, with mods and users here in utter ignorance of it.

the future world is one where ai will generate adverts in moments specifically tuned to your personal aesthetic tastes. and mamorial weaknesses.

there is already more high quality web art created daily than this site can process even within the 'anime' aesthetic its bias towards. some of the web art image traffic on the web being ai generated wont change that. even if another inconsistent rule is included to try and exclude sections of it.

many of these images have obvious flaws and poor resolution. for now. enforce quality control on those basis. add a tag for those who wish to blacklist it.

KHSG said: This'll make it (and even more in the future) harder to distinguish them from artworks made traditionally. Either artists are scamming with this or the limited amount of tags on Pixiv hides the fact.
same things where said about digital art.
buckle in and hold on, and hope your government introduces UBI before your job gets automated.

case and point for how these images can be shit-canned simply on the basis of quality
all images with this tag have abysmal quality. the aliasing and colour speckle in all of them are eyebleed before getting to my own pet peeve of trash anatomy.