BattlequeenYume said:
I'm only holding Pixiv images to not flooding the mainindex what would happen when uploading them all at once. I'm always exerted for not holding them for too long. So I hope this isn't a problem for you.
Thank you for answering.
Sorry I might be misleading you. I'm more concerned about the number of uses for "hold" than the purpose of use. I think it would be better to reduce the number of posts for reduce this.

This is just a guideline, Based on the number of votes I searched, about half of the pictures you posted were rated high, and half were rated normal. It's average compared to other posters, so there's no problem in itself. However, since you post about 5 times as many posts, even the highly rated pictures you posted get pushed to the back of the page. I think it's a waste for you too.
By carefully selecting the pictures you post, the value of your posts will increase.