Checkmate said:
Should I sugar coat this? server is so old and creaky that it's no longer holding together no matter how much band-aids I slap on. The new server was also out of my budget range.

There's also bandwidth issues - It's no secret that we have been hitting the bandwidth cap since 2020. This website was running on sweats, bloods and tears for so long that it's no longer feasible in 2023 - 2024 thanks to inflation, energy cost, and Powell's rates.

You can use adblocks and what not but just keep that in mind that we need cold hard cash to keep the server on, not thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it if you don't discuss your awesome and effective ad blocking strategy unless you want to die off.
From one side, I can see where this is going from.
From other, randomly starting to see ad banners with random porn crap just doesn't feel right. Especially with one of them (the side one) literally partially blocking some of the posts/overlapping with the post, if I'm opening the separate one.

And it's not like I can even use ad-block, since I'm only visiting from a phone and already need vpn-browser.

Definitely not gonna throw away my 8.5 yo account cos of this, but ig it's time to limit my use of this site to some degree.

Sorry for bitching, lol.