Hi. Back from vacation.

I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at, Feito. Is there someone ragging on you for not adding certain tags? I think there are a couple extra general type tags floating around that we don't need as well, so I'm slowly working my way through them. Tagging has pretty much been as it is now for the past several months.
Stop worrying too much about adding general tags to what you upload if you don't want to add them yourself. As long as you've done your best to identify the artist/chars/copyright, you've sourced the image correctly if necessary and explicit material is rated explicit, no one's going to get mad at you. I'll take care of the rest.
We're not the same as Danbooru, which is why we're fine with leaving the other topics you created in the forum as they are.

Velen, as long as you're mindful of what's generally going on in the deletion proposal thread, any help you can give would be appreciated.